Academic Background


Casey Hautzinger recently finished studying at the School of Professional Photography ‘The Darkroom’ in Florence, Italy (2014).

After his travels around the globe from 2007 to 2009 he was accepted to Maastricht University, the Netherlands, to pursue the multidisciplinary Bachelor’s program ‘European Studies’.

With the Graduation in 2012 he decided to express his experience in socio-political affairs through the art of photography.

KAOS PhotoLABerlin

Workshops und Fotoseminare

Photography means writing with light

Die Entwicklung, der Prozess, die Zeit und die Geduld macht die analoge Fotografie so reizend. Nach seinem Fotostudium in Italien, zog es Casey Hautzinger wieder nach Berlin. Mit dem Erbau seiner eigenen Dunkelkammer ‘KAOS PhotoLAB’, hat er sich seinen Traum erfüllt. Er bietet Workshops und Fotoseminare an.

Photography Development

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